UWB Bibliography
UWB Radio Signal
- Askar,
N.K., S.C. Lin, H.D. Pfister, G.E. Rogerson, and D.S. Furuno,
“Spectral KeyingTM: A Novel Modulation Scheme for
UWB Systems,” IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband
Systems and Technologies (November 2003), 418–422.
- August,
N.J., W.C. Chung, and D.S. Ha, “Energy Efficient Methods of
Increasing Data Rate for Ultra Wideband (UWB) Communications
Systems,” IEEE Conference on Ultra
Wideband Systems and Technologies (November 2003),
- Balakrishnan,
J., A. Batra, and A. Dabak, “A Multi-Band OFDM System for UWB
Communication,” IEEE
Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies
(November 2003), 354–358.
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- Buchegger,
T., G. Ossberger, A. Reisenzahn, A. Stelzer, and A. Springer, “Pulse
Delay Techniques for PPM Impulse Radio Transmitters,“ IEEE
Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies
(November 2003), 37–41.
- Cariolaro,
G., T. Erseghe, and L. Vangelista, “Stationary Model of Pulse
Interval Modulation and Exact Spectral Evaluation,” IEEE
International Conference on Communications, Volume: 2
(June 2000), 660–664.
- Cariolaro,
G., T. Erseghe, and L. Vangelista, “Exact Spectral Evaluation
of the Family of Digital Pulse Interval Modulated Signals,”
IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory, Volume: 47, Issue: 7 (November 2001),
- Chu,
X., and R.D. Murch, “Quadrature Modulation for UWB Wireless
Multipath Channels,” IEEE Global
Telecommunications Conference (December 2003),
- D’Souza,
M., and A. Postula, “Novel Ultra-Wideband Pulse Spectrum
Modulation Scheme,” IEEE Conference
on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies (November
2003), 240–244.
- Da
Silva, J.A.N., and M.L.R. De Campos, “Performance Comparison of
Binary and Quaternary UWB Modulation Schemes,” IEEE
Global Telecommunications Conference (December 2003),
- Federal
Communications Commission, “Revision of Part 15 of the
Commission’s rules Regarding Ultra-Wideband Transmission
Systems: First report and order,” Technical
Report FCC 02-48 (adopted February, 14 2002; released
April 22, 2002).
- Foerster,
J.R., “The performance of a Direct-Sequence Spread
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Interference, and Multiuser Interference,” IEEE
Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies
(May 2002), 87–91.
- Foerster,
J.R., V. Somayazulu, and S. Roy, “A Multi-Banded System
Architecture for Ultra-Wideband Communications,” IEEE
Military Communications Conference (October 2003),
- Gao,
X., R. Yao, and Z. Feng, “Multi-band UWB System with Hadamard
Coding,” IEEE Conference on
Vehicular Technology (October 2003), 1288–1292.
- Gerakoulis,
D., and P. Salmi, “An Interference Suppressing OFDM System for
Ultra Wide Bandwidth Radio Channels,” IEEE
Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies
(May 2002), 259–264.
- Giancola,
G., “Comparative
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in Networking with Ultra Wide Band, M.-G.
Di Benedetto editor, Ingegneria2000 (2002), 1.1–1.28.
- Guvenc,
I., and H. Arslan, “On the modulation options for UWB Systems,”
IEEE Military Communications
Conference (October 2003), 892–897.
- Hanzo,
L., M. Münster, B.J. Choi, and T. Keller, OFDM
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- Hengstler,
S., D.P. Kasilingam, and A.H. Costa, “A Novel Chirp Modulation
Spread Spectrum Technique for Multiple Access,” IEEE
Seventh International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and
Applications, Volume: 1 (September 2002), 73–77.
- Hoctor,
R., and H. Tomlinson, “Delay-Hopped Transmitted-Reference RF
Communications,” IEEE Conference on
Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies (May 2002),
- Huang,
X., and Y. Li, “Generating Near-White Ultra-Wideband Signals
with Period Extended PN Sequences,” IEEE
Conference Vehicular Technology Conference Volume: 2
(May 2001), 1184–1188.
- Jung,
S.Y., D.J. Park, Y.H. Kwon, and S.M. Lee, “Design and
Performance Analysis of UWB TH-MA Scheme Using Multi-code Based PPM,”
IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems
and Technologies (November 2003), 463–467.
- Lu,
I.S.C., N. Weste, and S. Parameswaran, “A Digital
Ultra-Wideband Multiband Transceiver Architecture with Fast Frequency
Hopping Capabilities,” IEEE
Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies
(November 2003), 448–452.
- Nassar,
C.R., F. Zhu, and Z. Wu, “Direct Sequence Spreading UWB
Systems: Frequency Domain Processing for Enhanced Performance and
Throughput,” IEEE International
Conference on Communications, Volume: 3 (May 2003),
- Okamoto,
E., Y. Iwanami, and T. Ikegami, “Multimode Transmission Using
Wavelet Packet Modulation and OFDM,” IEEE
Conference on Vehicular Technology (October 2003),
- Prasad,
R., and S. Hara, “An overview of multi-carrier CDMA,”
IEEE International Symposium on Spread
Spectrum Techniques and Applications, Volume: 1
(September 1996), 107–114.
- Proakis,
J.G., Digital Communications,
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J.G., and M. Salehi, Communication Systems
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R., XtremeSpectrum CFP
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H.E., Signals and Noise in
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- Runkle,
P., J. McCorkle, T. Miller, and M. Welborn, “DS-CDMA: The
Modulation Technology of Choice for UWB Communications,”
IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband
Systems and Technologies (November 2003), 364–368.
- Saberinia,
E., A.H. Tewfik, and R. Gupta, “Pilot Assisted Multi-User UWB
Communications,” IEEE
Conference on Vehicular Technology Conference (October
2003), 1885–1889.
- Saberinia,
E., and A.H. Tewfik, “Single and Multi-Carrier UWB
Communications,” IEEE Seventh
International Symposium on Signal Processing and its
Applications, Volume: 2 (July 2003a), 343–346.
- Saberinia,
E., and A.H. Tewfik, “Pulsed and Non-Pulsed OFDM Ultra Wideband
Wireless Personal Area Networks,” IEEE
Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies
(November 2003b), 275–279.
- Scholtz,
R.A., “Multiple Access with Time-Hopping Impulse Modulation,”
IEEE Military Communications
Conference, Volume: 2 (October 1993), 447–450.
- Souilmi,
Y., and R. Knopp, “On the Achievable Rates of Ultra-Wideband
PPM with Non-Coherent Detection in Multipath Environments,”
IEEE International Conference on
Communications, Volume: 5 (May 2003), 3530–3534.
- Tewfik,
A.H., and E. Saberinia, “High Bit Rate Ultra-Wideband OFDM,”
IEEE Global Telecommunications
Conference, Volume: 3 (November 2002), 2260–2264.
- Trindade,
A., Q.H. Dang, and A.J. Van der Veen, “Signal Processing Model
for a Transmit-Reference UWB Wireless Communication System,”
IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband
Systems and Technologies (November 2003), 270–274.
- Van
Nee, R., and R. Prasad, OFDM for
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Massachusetts: Arthec House Publishers (2000).
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Stralen, N., A. Dentinger, K. Welles II, R. Gaus Jr., R. Hoctor, and
H. Tomlinson, “Delay Hopped Transmitted Reference Experimental
Results,“ IEEE Conference on
Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies (May 2002),
- Venkatesan,
V., H. Liu, C. Nielsen, R. Kyker, and M.E. Magana, "Performance
of an Optimally Spaced PPM Ultra-Wideband System with Direct Sequence
Spreading for Multiple Access," IEEE
Conference on Vehicular Technology (October 2003),
- Vojcic,
B.R., and R.L. Pickholtz, “Direct-Sequence Code Division
Multiple Access for Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Impulse Radio,”
IEEE Military Communications
Conference (October 2003), 898–902.
- Webb,
W.T., and L. Hanzo, Modern
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Fixed and Wireless Channels, London: Co-publication of
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(October 1971), 628–634.
- Welborn,
M.L., “System considerations for ultrawideband wireless
networks,” IEEE Radio and
Wireless Conference (August. 2001), 5–8.
- Wilson,
R.D., and R.A. Scholtz, “Comparison of CDMA and Modulation
Schemes for UWB Radio in a Multipath Environment,” IEEE
Global Telecommunications Conference (December 2003),
- Win,
M.Z., and R.A. Scholtz, “Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Time-Hopping
Spread-Spectrum Impulse Radio for Wireless Multiple-Access
Communications,” IEEE
Transactions on Communications, Volume: 48, Issue: 4
(April 2000), 679–691.
- Xu,
W., R. Yao, Z. Guo, W. Zhu, and Z. Zhou, “A Power Efficient
M-ary Orthogonal Pulse Polarity Modulation for TH-UWB System Using
Modified OVSF Codes,” IEEE
Global Telecommunications Conference (December 2003),
- Yeh,
P.-C., J.D. Choi, S. Zummo, M.D. Casciato, and W.E. Stark,
“Performance Analysis of Coded Multi-Carrier Wideband Systems
over Multipath Fading Channels,” IEEE
Military Communications Conference (October 2003),
- Zhang,
J., R.A. Kennedy, and T.D. Abhayapala, “New Results on the
Capacity of M-ary PPM Ultra WideBand Systems,” IEEE
International Conference on Communications, Volume: 4
(May 2003), 2867–2871.
- Zhao,
L., and A.M. Haimovich, “Multi-User Capacity of M-ary PPM
Ultra-Wideband Communications”, IEEE
Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies
(May 2002), 175–179.